Ciara and Eddie Irons

“We see Accelerate Pace as an opportunity to expand upon the great work Pace Academy has done thus far to be on the forefront of changes in education,” says Lower School parent CIARA IRONS

Ciara and her husband, EDDIE IRONS, parents of BRICE IRONS ’31, have put these words into action by supporting the campaign as donors as well as volunteers. The couple has made a gift to Accelerate Pace that will name a reading nook in the Lower School’s new Soni Family Library.

When Accelerate Pace launched, Ciara and Eddie volunteered with Pace parents MARISA and DAVID CHIN YEE to co-chair the Community and Inclusion Committee. Eddie says they hoped to strengthen the school community by “bringing our collective voice and interests together to develop and support conversations and practices that will ensure efforts for diversity, equity and inclusion [are ongoing].” 

For the 2021-2022 school year, as Accelerate Pace enters the critical final stage of fundraising for the Lower School, Ciara has assumed a new campaign leadership position: the vital role of Lower School chair.
